[Sussex] Re: I hate gnome :P

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Thu Jan 22 12:55:45 UTC 2004

> Obviously, because of the
>> write track data: error after 736905216 bytes
> bit, some of the files are missing.
> What I didn't follow, was that even though the original downloaded ISO
> for the pclinuxos was reported as being 683.9 megs, it appears that the
> one that was made/converted/cocked up ?? is reported as being  762.5 and
> that's obviously the one that cdrecord has used for the burn.

It seems to me that your burn has failed because the ISO file was too big.
 As I think you have figured out yourself.

If you already have an ISO that you have downloaded, then you don't need
to do the mkisofs as you already have what you need.

Anyway, I'm not sure how this hangs together with what you are trying to
do with /home/john/tmp ...

> cdrecord -v -overburn dev=0,0,0 pclinuxos-1130.iso

> stage (without the -overburn option)?

This looks more like what I would have thought you want to do.  I don't
have a cdrecord man page handy at the moment but I think the -overburn is
to do with "burnproof" writers that have an extra buffer.  This would help
if you hard disks are very slow and you are doing other things at the same
time but, all other things being equal, your burn should work with or
without it.

> regards
> John D


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

"The Bob Jones policy on interracial dating, I mean I spoke out on interracial dating.  I spoke out against that.  I spoke out against interracial dating.  I mean, I support inter--the policy of interracial dating."

George W. Bush
February 25, 2000
Candidate Bush was referring to the official policies of Bob Jones University.  From CBS News broadcast.

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