[Sussex] McLinux

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Fri Jun 11 16:15:56 UTC 2004

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:

>Interesting, I always saw Linux as more of the local kebab van type of
>food, anyone can own one, you just need to buy the hardware... ;)
Hopefully Linux doesn't have same effect on you as the local kebab van...

>I can't wait for the first GPL'd burger, I could take it, add a few
>ingredients and call it the McMatt :D
Sounds like you'd be better of with a BSD Burger...

>On the upside, if this "market leader" is seen to implement Linux, maybe
>we could see a Super-Size portion of the market swapping from Windows to
I don't think McDonald's are considered to be trend setters in IT.  More 
noteably many of the major banks adopted Linux for their post 9-11 
architectural rebuilds.

>hmmm, maybe McDonalds aren't so bad after all... (insert favourite
>anti-capitalist rant here)
I could, but other do it so much better than me ... I've leave it to Ani 

"Capitalism is the devil; is the devils wet dream.
The profit system follows the line of least resistance
and the line of least resistance is what makes the river crooked,
makes it serpentine"

Geoff Teale

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