[Sussex] Promoting SLUG

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jun 29 00:31:10 UTC 2004


On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 09:32:17PM +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 21:26:23 +0100, Geoffrey Teale
> <tealeg at member.fsf.org> wrote:
> > 
> > Steve,
> > 
> > The basic idea is solid, but I do feel knoppix (or better still
> > Gnoppix!) is a better move than just handing out Debian, willy nilly.
> > 
> Agreed.
I think I rather hand out Gnome that KDE - but that is a personal preference.
> > Knoppix/Gnoppix bypasses this nicely and gives them an install free way
> > of seeing what Linux is about.
> > 
> And they  can install it into their hard disk if they want to..
> You might also want to consider giving  out the open cd. It contains
> loads of windows based OSS software. Reel them in that way too..
> http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/

No! No! No!

The idea here is one *simple* message - let us not loaded them with the
wealth of all the OSS stuff available.  We are handing out a sample CD that
will simply work - if they want to find out more join the ML or come to a

Gnoppix will provide just about all the computing needs for 95% of the people
we are likely to see - the other 5%, if they can't be bothered to come to a 
moot or join the ML, screw them (for now).  If we overload the people we talk
to with too much info we are likely to lose more than we gain.

Our task here is to get them interested -- to get them to a Moot.  I say again
a simple message - 
   One disc to rule them all,
   One disc to hook them,
   One disc to bring them all
   And in new lightness, moot them

Steve D

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