[Sussex] Promoting SLUG

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Jun 29 00:31:11 UTC 2004


On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 09:26:23PM +0100, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> The basic idea is solid, but I do feel knoppix (or better still
> Gnoppix!) is a better move than just handing out Debian, willy nilly.

We are not talking about handing out Debian willy nilly.  We install in
on system brought to use at the stand.  Only Gnoppix is handed out willy
> The main issue with Debian for new users is that it doesn't drop you
> into a ready set up environment (not quite as bad as Gentoo in this
> regard, but pretty rough all the same). <snip>

But as we are doing the install and know what we are doing we can have
them leave with a configured system.  If we have Debian media and they
ask to buy then I'd sell them that, but if they just when to "have a
look" then we "sell" them a Gnoppix CD.

I think that we are basicly in agreement here.
> Real them in and then preach to them about the benefits of a system like
> Debian, Gentoo, Sourcerer, Slackware, Arch.. or whatever..

Agreed.  The Debian/Gentoo/Sourcerr/... sell is for the ML or the Moot.
> Knoppix/Gnoppix bypasses this nicely and gives them an install free way
> of seeing what Linux is about.

You see, we are in agreement.
> I wonder is Desktop Linux will solve this once and for all and give us
> something the Debianites will feel enthusiastic about but which will be
> somewhere in this century technology wise and easy for a first timer to
> install. 

Oh look, a saddleback just flew past my 10th story window :-)

Steve D

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