[Sussex] Asterisk

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Mon Mar 1 09:08:34 UTC 2004

--On Friday, February 27, 2004 2:19 pm +0000 Jon Fautley <jon at 3ait.co.uk> 

> Have you developed any good apps for the C7960? I'd be interested in
> taking a look if they're GPL'd :)

Early days yet, I think - I haven't had the phone for long.  Just done a 
few quick hacks for appointments, email (IMAP) and directory (LDAP) 
integration.  Using SIP is a bit of a bugger because the SoftKeys are 
unavailable - at least I haven't found a way to get them to work.

Apart from that C7960 stuff I'm doing a simple web dial and call recording 
app - basically works but would be better with an added feature in the 
asterisk manager interface.  I've also got a simple AGI for X10 home 
automation - all of which I plan to put on the web as GPL stuff.


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