[Sussex] The torment

David Chapman dokterdave at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 29 16:50:19 UTC 2004

I have been forced to use Windows latley because of a hardware failure.
Hard drives going off line and boot failures because grub can't find the HD 
with Linux on it.
This is why I never made it to the Lug moot last week.
Busy pulling my hair out !

With a Mepis live CD, KDat and a DLT drive I was able to save all my data in 
my home partion.
Which I thought was a wonderfull demonstration of the power and flexability of 

Anyway I'm back havin had to install another scsi card.
That makes 5 scsi channels now, 3 onboard and 1x 2 channel LSi card.

My adventures with Gentoo are on the back burner till I'm sure this box is 
working properly.

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