[Sussex] The torment

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Mar 29 17:18:24 UTC 2004


On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 12:55:28PM +0100, David Chapman wrote:
> I have been forced to use Windows latley because of a hardware failure.
> Hard drives going off line and boot failures because grub can't find the HD 
> with Linux on it.

I've had boot problems because of installing new kernels and not updating the
MBR correctly :-( - can't blame the system it was me !!!

> This is why I never made it to the Lug moot last week.
> Busy pulling my hair out !

But if you had come along I (and Geoff, and others I'm sure) would have 
told you how to re-install your MBR - it's not that hard with a rescue

> With a Mepis live CD, KDat and a DLT drive I was able to save all my data in 
> my home partion.
> Which I thought was a wonderfull demonstration of the power and flexability
> of Linux

Saving data into the /home partition??? You didn't just reinstall the system
to fix a MGR problem did you.  Now you really should have come along to the
meetings - they could save you hours and hours of re-installation time.

<mode speak-like="yoda" mouth-shape="Very big grin">
  Careless of operation has young David been to lose data.

  System taken to meeting should have.  Maybe then this MGR re-install
  we could.

  To you all a lesson this be - much knowledge exists in the LUGMoot of the

> Anyway I'm back havin had to install another scsi card.
> That makes 5 scsi channels now, 3 onboard and 1x 2 channel LSi card.

Why some many SCSI cards?  How many devices have you hanging of that system?
> My adventures with Gentoo are on the back burner till I'm sure this box is 
> working properly.

Hope you're having as much fun as me.  I've just re-configured all the 
addresses in my network and re-vamped my firewall to cope.  I now have a
proper DMZ - nicely firewalled and running the company WWW, e-mail and DNS
servers (okay they're all on the same box).


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