[Sussex] Shutting down from X

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Wed Nov 10 17:20:52 UTC 2004

ok, I now have a wonderful system that boots into X and launches mysql,
gpsd and gpsdrive automatically (thatnks geoff, thomas and others, but
mainly thomas...</grovel>)

I now would like to shutdown the system after I exit X.

I have gpsdrive etc in my .xinitrc tyo start them at the same time as x,
is there a file that will let me put in programes to execute after x

To ensure a secure shutdown, I plan on using sudo, keeping my root
password from the world! :)

| Matthew Macdonald-Wallace     |
| matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk |
| www.eighthnerve.co.uk         |

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