[Sussex] workaround script

Thomas Adam thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org
Sun Oct 3 21:51:20 UTC 2004

On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 10:40:42PM +0100, John Crowhurst wrote:
> joe does, but the script falls over terribly, as it tries to create a file
> /tmp/path/to/filename.

Let me re-write your script in bash:

foreach x ($argv)                                                                           
rm -f /tmp/$x                                                                      
cp -f $x /tmp/$x                                                                            
/usr/bin/joe $x                                                                              
diff -u /tmp/$x $x >/tmp/changes                                                             
mail -s "joe: $PWD/$x changes" $USER </tmp/changes                                           
rm -f /tmp/$x

for i in "$@"; do
  a=$(basename $i)
  [ -f "/tmp/$a" ] && rm -f /tmp/$a
  cp "$i" /tmp/$a
  joe /tmp/$a
  diff -u /tmp/$a $a > /tmp/changes
  mail -s "joe: $PWD/$x changes" $USER </tmp/changes
  rm /tmp/$a

I haven't tested it, so I have no idea if it is accurate or does what the
original does. It's called by:

./filename file file2 file3

-- Thomas Adam

$ source ~/.bash_history

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