[Sussex] Letter... Petition or Letter

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Sun Oct 10 19:30:59 UTC 2004


1: You have my permission to incorporate any, or all, of my text, into your
letter, subject to your releasing the modified letter under a creative
commons licence (or such alternative licence as you and I agree upon.)

2: I fully agree that it is far, far, better to send such things as letters
/ faxes to MPs as individuals, rather than issuing "petitions".

One of the things that seems to be generally accepted by all lobbying groups
is that MPs take letters and faxes far more seriously than emails.

Likewise, it is far, far, more effective to write to your local elected
representatives (at whichever scale of government - MEP, MP or councillor),
rather than send a letter to a "minister responsible for".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Dobson" <steve at dobson.org>
To: "LUG email list for the Sussex Counties" <sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Sussex] Letter... Petition or Letter

> Nik
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 09:29:09AM +0100, nik wrote:
> > Should this letter go as a petition or as a letter ?
> A letter.
> > Well to be honest youll find that many politicians treat letters from
> > individuals with a higher level or personal awareness than a petition,
> > actually this tends to go for many people.
> I agree, which is why I say a letter.
> > so open for debate is , send as a letter or as a petition.
> Others are welcome to disagree with me (us) at any time, but they'd
> be wrong. :-)
> > im going to print, edit and send my own...
> I hope you will seek out my (and Mark's if he agrees to let me add
> his text) permission as the copyright holders, otherwise you will be
> in breach of copyright law.
> Here are my thoughts on how to publish this:
> 1). On Nov 1 the UK Creative Common licenses will be published.
>     We place this letter on our site under a CC:UK license (so you'll
>     be okay Nik) and encourage people to take a copy, modify it if
>     they so want and send it in to there M(E)Ps.
> 2). We send it in as an open letter to the MPs for Sussex and the
>     MEPs for the south-east (and maybe to the leaders of the political
>     parties).
> 3). Gareth, Karl and I talked with the editor of LinuxFormat at the
>     LinuxWorld show in London last week.  He as agreed to cover
>     print our letter (we can both raise the clubs profile & protest
>     against SPs in one action - how's that for multi-tasking :-)
> Steve D
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