[Sussex] New list user

Antoine JOSSERAND a.josserand at free.fr
Sat Oct 16 17:57:27 UTC 2004


My name is Antoine, I am French.

I am 24 years old and I live in East Grinstead (and in the UK too...) 
since 3 weeks. I am an engineer in computer science and robotics.  I am 
in the UK because I followed my girlfriend who is a french language 
assistant in a college of Crawley. So I am looking for a job  in this area.

I suscribed to this list because I am a great Linux fan and I am curious 
to know how Linux is considered in the UK. My PC works under Knoppix HD 
installed (the power of a Debian Distro with a wonderful hardware 
detection system :o) but I keep a win2k on my HD because of a few 
programs I can't use with Linux.

I hope you will understand my english, and maybe I will come to see you 
at Horsham at the end of the month, if you agree.

Good evening,


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