[Sussex] New list user

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Oct 16 18:15:49 UTC 2004

Welcome Antoine

On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 06:59:30PM +0200, Antoine JOSSERAND wrote:
> I am 24 years old and I live in East Grinstead (and in the UK too...) 
> since 3 weeks. I am an engineer in computer science and robotics.  I am 
> in the UK because I followed my girlfriend who is a french language 
> assistant in a college of Crawley. So I am looking for a job  in this area.
> I suscribed to this list because I am a great Linux fan and I am curious 
> to know how Linux is considered in the UK. My PC works under Knoppix HD 
> installed (the power of a Debian Distro with a wonderful hardware 
> detection system :o) but I keep a win2k on my HD because of a few 
> programs I can't use with Linux.
> I hope you will understand my english, and maybe I will come to see you 
> at Horsham at the end of the month, if you agree.

Everyone is welcome to the Moots, and we hope to see you there in two
weeks time.  Don't worry about your English, I've written worse. :-)


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