[Sussex] Microphone problem

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Mon Oct 18 16:27:02 UTC 2004

Hi Antoine

Welcome to SLUG.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 05:11:27PM +0200, Antoine JOSSERAND wrote:
> I don't know what kind of question I can ask to the lug, so I try... ;o)

Questions aren't a problem - only the answers :-)

> I have been trying to make my micro work since 3 days but I failed :o(
> My problem is that I would like to use Skype to talk with my family in 
> France, but without working micro it isn't really fun.
> So I tried to record my voice using Krec but nothing happens.
> I also checked the micro's volume in Kmix (what's weird is that each 
> time I reboot the micro's volume is back to 0...).
> And of course, I checked my micro is well plugged ;o)
> Any idea ?

I use Debian, but I'm Gnome based - not KDE, and I find that all my
sound levels are reset after a reboot.

I assume that sound works (you can play WAV, OGG etc files)?

Also what type of sound card do you have?


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