[Sussex] Meet up at the Worthing Computer Fair

Gareth Ablett zoomer at zoomer2k.co.uk
Thu Sep 2 19:06:22 UTC 2004


I cant help you out for the day but I will hopefully popping along to 
show a little support at some point during the day.

Gareth Ablett

Steve Dobson wrote:

>Hi all
>As no one as posted any thing more for a while I'll declare that the
>voting is now over.
>The results where:
>Worthing Fair
>Steve Dobson    (but will attend Crawley)
>Dave Chapman    (ditto)
>John D          (same as Dave C, if I'm not working)
>Phil Slade      (probably be there anyway)
>Crawley Fair
>Nik Butler      (but will attend Worthing)
>Angelo Servini  (will come to heckle for an hour or so! - heh heh!)
>As returning officer for this vote I declare Worthing the winner!
>The URL for the fair is:
>Doors open from 10:00hrs to 15:00hrs.  Does anyone have any time
>constrains?  If not I'll see you around 10:00.
>It those going to e-mail me their mobile phone numbers I will 
>gather and pass on (I don't want to post my mobile number on a 
>publicly archived list).
>Sussex mailing list
>Sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk

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