[Sussex] Distros

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Tue Apr 5 13:08:06 UTC 2005


On Tue, 5 April, 2005 11:58, Geoffrey J. Teale said:
> FreeBIOS

IMO this is the lowest priority project possible. It's a niche product
with a very small niche at that.

> Developing the gplFlash project further.

Flash sucks though, it's a complete perversion of the web ;)

> Developing the GCC java compiler.
> Developing the GNU classpath libraries.

Good, but we need a JRE too, possibly even more than a compiler.

> ... it's shocking that the community can develop free .NET so quickly
> but is dragging it heels so much on Java.

The community didn't develop .NET, Ximian did and Novell are; With some
help from the community. They have 25 novell developers working on it
fulltime now afair.

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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