[Sussex] Linus get's bitten on the arse

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Fri Apr 8 18:51:10 UTC 2005

Geoffrey J. Teale wrote:
> Well, Linus made a bad decision and it has finally came back to bite him.
> I missed this news in the week, but here it is for those who are as
> uniformed as I am:
> http://kerneltrap.org/node/4966
> ... that's the real difference between "Free" (as in speech) and "free"
> (as in beer).  I use GNU Arch (or tla to it's friends) a lot and I
> imagine this would be the easiest transition for the kernel developers.

OK this is the end of the world.  First it being used today and yes 
there might be bug's in it but it works.  So just stop for moment is O/S 
  version going to stop being able to do what it has already been doing.

It other words it was working yesterday so why shouldn't it work 
tomorrow, it not going to roll over and die just because there not going 
to any more work on it on O/S.
Or think of it this way do think like all those drons out there that 
have latest and greats computer which x'Ghz just to write an e-mail is 
it any better then x'Mhz system to do e-mails?


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