[Sussex] Re: Connecting SuSE 9.2 to Windows XP

Captain Redbeard hairy.one at virgin.net
Mon Apr 11 08:35:54 UTC 2005

Whoops, looks like the first part of my question got lost somewhere!  Anyway I'm trying to connect a laptop running Windows XP to a computer running SuSE 9.2 (with a broken X-server so command-line only), just one direct cable, nothing fancy.  I assume I need to set-up and configure a Samba server to get the two to communicate however the on-line manual is huge and I don't think I need to know it all.  Also all the books I bought/stole are fairly old and don't mention connecting to Windows XP so I'm not sure how useful they are.  Does anyone know of a newbie-friendly how-to on setting up a simple two-computer network to get my laptop and desktop sharing files?
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