[Sussex] Dual Boot

steve at dobson.org steve at dobson.org
Wed Apr 13 23:46:46 UTC 2005


On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 12:31:53AM +0100, Gavin Stevens wrote:
> My partner, Tracy, is very keen for me to install Ubuntu on her PC. This
> will make it a dual boot system.

A step in the right direction.
> She currently has Windows 98 SE (yuk) on her machine. There is only the
> one "partition" at present - namely the whole 80GB HDD (I had to build
> the system quickly after her old PC died so that she could continue
> working & never got round to doing proper partitions).
> I am quite happy dealing with creating partitions for Ubuntu & I don't
> anticipate any huge problems.
> However, does anyone have any hot tips for creating a dual boot system,
> in the hope that I may avoid big problems & thus keep Tracy's enthusiasm
> for Ubuntu.

I use to run a duel boot system, and at the BCF have agreed that this is
the best way, using two disks.  It is a simple matter to just add a second
hard driver and install on that.  
> In time, I imagine that Tracy will probably ditch Windows, but she needs
> to keep it for now so that she can continue to work without
> interruption.

The final step need for perfection.

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