[Sussex] Up and comming moot talks

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Apr 15 12:31:49 UTC 2005


On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 01:10:38PM +0100, Fleming, Frances wrote:
> On Fri Apr 15 12:34:12 BST 2005, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > The changes of you doing two
> > ten minute presentations
> Two????? I only proposed **one** for the moot!

Sorry I miss read your e-mail.
  Steve:   Holds out hand.
  Frances: Slaps Steve on the wrist.
> > The only presentation I have ever seen at a moot that didn't over run
> > it's time slot
> Ha! My all-in-one is already **precisely** timed :) At my company 
> we get limited time to present to colleagues/managers, and the habit 
> sticks ;) BTW, I don't think I mentioned, but it's actually a practical 
> demo rather than a slide presentation.

Damn, it looks like we might have someone who knows how to present 
properly.  You're going to make the rest of us look bad, Frances.
> > Mark has gone out of his way
> > to honour his commitment to present his PBX talk that night.  Several
> > people (myself included) want to hear it and anything that might
> > disrupt
> > Mark's presentation would be unfair on him and those of us that want
> > to hear the talk.
> That's fair enough, I'll acquit everyone else and force my practice 
> run-through on you at the fair - you did offer ;) Say about 1/4 past 
> 9ish?

Deal.  I'll aim to be at the fair by 08:30 so I should be all set up
by 9:00.

> I first heard about Asterisk a few months ago, and was immediately 
> interested, and started reading up, so I'm very much looking forward to 
> Mark's talk.

The list of people wanting to learn about Asterisk is growing.
> P.S. Steve, I take it you didn't rate my comment on the flyer folding. 
> Am I in your bad books? ;)

Sorry, I put that idea on the back-burner 'cos I was talking with my
printers to see if their finishing department's folding machine would 
fold the flyers for us.  It will not!  The folds are too narrow.  So
that will be a nice little job for use at the BCF.

I also should admit that I didn't get you're idea at first.  Now I've
played with my print out here I get it and I like it.  But I think it
needs more re-arranging than just placing the logo on the right.  When
you open it like a book you see what is printed on the other side to
the logo.  I'll have a play and then post the results.


Kramer's Law:
	You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
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