[Sussex] Linux from scratch Printed Book

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Apr 15 21:20:41 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 19:16 +0100, Lee W wrote:
> Hey all,
> Anyone know of a good book stockist for Linux books.
> I'm trying to find the 2nd Edition LFS book but not even Amazon or 
> compman.co.uk stocks it. My local bookstore Ottakers & Waterstones have 
> also been unable to find it
> The ISBN is 0-9659575-7-8 and published by "Clearly Open" if anyone can 
> help.

The few that I've bought, have come via Amazon. I often have a nose if I
see anywhere that does have a reference/technical section, but usually
to no avail!

I've also checked with my brother/sister in law, who both work at Sussex
Uni, but my brother (and family linux bore) feels that the only time the
Uni book shop has any decent amount of stock, is at years' start in Oct,
and even then, most of the stuff is "ordered" specifically per customer.

Sorry if that's not much help!


John D.

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