[Sussex] "stterm"

Rupert Swarbrick rupert.swarbrick at lineone.net
Fri Apr 15 23:29:13 UTC 2005

In case anyone's interested, I recently wrote a program that I've called
stterm, for want of a better name.

The idea is that instead of doing my silly trick of opening an xterm and
doing gymnastics with your fingers and cd to get to the directory you
wanted to be working in, you just add a common directory to a list in
this gtk based app, which you can get to with just a couple of keypresses.

If there's a better way, please let me know... (politely?)

The stuff can be found at:

Please let me know if anyone's using it - I've found it useful at least!


P.S. If I've created a name clash, and you've got a better name, please
tell me!
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