[Sussex] Cleaning recommendation?

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Tue Apr 19 09:08:08 UTC 2005

From: Fleming, Frances [mailto:Frances.Fleming at edfenergy.com]
Subject: [Sussex] Cleaning recommendation?
> Hi there, all ...
> I've just spent a **delightful** weekend cleaning fine, pink brick
> from EVERY surface and EVERY crevice FROM DAWN 'TIL DUSK  - - - and
> beyond 8(
> Unfortunately, I did start two of my computers up before starting the
> cleaning, i.e. when the carpet and tables were still dusty, and only
> when I got to work today, did someone suggest they were probably chock
> full of the stuff :(
> But I haven't dared open any of them up yet. What might I find?
> What does anyone think I should best do? Paintbrush and vacuum combo
> compressed aerosol or what?
> There were a couple of floppies lying out as well: do you think they
> would have been damaged? :(
> Hopeful regards!
> Frances
> Hot tip: When the builders are in, don't just shut the doors, stuff
> in the cracks (and seal the keyholes)

Ok I wont repeat what every one else has said regardless of must saying
different things I'm sure they all work. Anyway what I will add is brick
dust is very fine so I personally would check the case and if your
system was on at the time its gonna be pretty bad. 

Clean as recommended by others but don't forget to check the not so
obvious things like cd/dvd drives I'm sure they don't like dust on the
laser (sadly this might take a little more work with screwdrivers and

Once you have finished all you need to do to make sure you efforts where
enough is just check the cpu temp and case temp from the bios and make
sure they are in normal operating temps.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

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