[Sussex] Re: Setting up a simple home network

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Apr 30 13:12:04 UTC 2005


On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 14:05 +0100, Captain Redbeard wrote:
>  > Steve Dobson wrote:
>  >
>  > Are you doing NFS sharing (on the server) as a NFS 
> process or as part of the kernel?  If you're doing in in the
> kernal >good luck, if you're doing it as a process is the
> "nfsd" >command running on the server?
> Ummmm..... NFS process, I think.  I haven't modified the
> kernel in any way (re-compiling the kernel ranks quite
> highly on the List Of Things I Must Do Before I Die) so I'm
> using the default one that came with the distro.
>  > if you're doing it as a process is the "nfsd" command 
> running on the server?
> Typing "ps -A | grep nfsd" on the command line gives me:
> 7207 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7656 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7657 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7658 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7659 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7660 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7661 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> 7662 ?         00:00:00 nfsd
> I've got eight copies of the daemon running, should I shut
> these done and leave only one or do I really care?

I would suggest you reboot the server.  On the only machine I run nfsd
on I only have the one process.

BTW: nfsd is only needed on the server.


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