[Sussex] NTL broadband speed up

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Mon Aug 8 17:21:59 UTC 2005

Dave Chapman wrote:
> On Monday 08 August 2005 10:18, Andrew Guard wrote:
>>Cable firm NTL has upped the basic speeds of its broadband offering from
>>an entry level of 3Mbps to 10Mbps.
>>Now we are talking, but no word on upload and bandwidth limits.
>>PS Cable modems can work upto 100Mbs ADSL2 can only do up to 24MBps.
> Plucked from The Register
> 	The upgrade to its network is due to be completed by the end of 2006.
> Bit of a wait then.
> 	NTL - which is currently busy trying to tie up a merger with Telewest - is 
> also currently trialling 20 meg broadband in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, and 
> reckons its network could even support speeds of between 30 meg and 50 meg.
> My 2meg NTL does me just fine for now. 
> I'm more interested in the tivo/sky+  like box that Telewest are trialling and 
> the prospect of a merger with NTL

The Merger for them makes sence, do understand why some people business 
press say they rivales, as they can not trade in each other turf.  I 
think the idea of seling of Telewest content arm in long rund is just 
dumb, dumb, dumb ie UKTV, Living, Bravo, some other channes.  This is a 
simple fact content makes money, some time it can make lot of money, 
time and time again, just look Disney or BBC to prove this fact.  I can 
talk about content for ages but this wrong place for it.

On another subject I would rather go for unlimited bandwidth, it make 
more sence in long run.


What I dont see happing is great improvments in upload speeds!  This is 
most important part, I only can find SDSL which make large strides in 
that direction.  But only few places where can have it and as with ASDL 
distance from exchange is a factor.

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