[Sussex] NTL broadband speed up

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Tue Aug 9 10:25:54 UTC 2005


On 6:21:23 pm 08/08/2005 Andrew Guard <andrew at andrewguard.com> wrote:
> The Merger for them makes sence, do understand why some people

ooh good, even more regions with wildly incompatible cable services all
pretending to be one company :(

> On another subject I would rather go for unlimited bandwidth, it make
> more sence in long run.

So would all users, but it won't happen ;)

> What I dont see happing is great improvments in upload speeds!  This

Not at all surprising, why would a home user need lots of upload bandwidth?

> is most important part, I only can find SDSL which make large strides
> in that direction.  But only few places where can have it and as with
> ASDL distance from exchange is a factor.

SDSL is also largely an LLU thing at this stage, as are some of the
ADSL-like services (e.g. Bulldog). We have a 1mb sdsl line at work and it's
really quite expensive unfortunately.
Distance from the exchange isn't a factor if you live in a sensible place :)

The cable people aren't ISPs, they're just giving you a pipe and making you
use their proxy. I would rather have a quality internet connection than a
massively contented "fast" one :)

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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