[Sussex] FTP - Fedora core 3

Adam J Purcell adamjpurcell at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 16:09:01 UTC 2005

On 8/10/05, Ronan Chilvers <ronan at thelittledot.com> wrote:
> Perfick!!  vsftpd is supposed to be awfully good!  Whats your
> impressions?  
I don't do impressions, I'm a software developer...  Sorry, couldn't
resist!  I've certainly never had any problems with vsftp - it just
works out of the box.  Having said that, I've never actually used FTP
on an Internet facing box so I can't really attest to the 'Very
Secure' tag taken by vsftp.  Given the likes of Red Hat and
SourceForge use it I can well believe it is secure and scalable.  I
don't expect you'll have any problems.

As an aside I sometimes find it useful to look through the list of
rpms I've got installed or are available for me to install.  It might
give you a clue as to what package you might need for a given task:

yum list installed
yum list available

yum is a great piece of software - I actually prefer it to apt (what heresy!)

Jon, thanks for the tip on 'service vsftpd start'.  I think I was
vaguely aware of that but I've never really used service, always going
direct to the scripts.  What's the benefit of this wrapper?


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