[Sussex] FTP - Fedora core 3

Ronan Chilvers ronan at thelittledot.com
Thu Aug 11 08:13:30 UTC 2005

Hi Adam

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 17:08:22 +0100
Adam J Purcell <adamjpurcell at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8/10/05, Ronan Chilvers <ronan at thelittledot.com> wrote:
> > Perfick!!  vsftpd is supposed to be awfully good!  Whats your
> > impressions?  
> I don't do impressions, I'm a software developer...  Sorry, couldn't
> resist!  I've certainly never had any problems with vsftp - it just

Chortle chortle!!

> works out of the box.  Having said that, I've never actually used FTP
> on an Internet facing box so I can't really attest to the 'Very
> Secure' tag taken by vsftp.  Given the likes of Red Hat and
> SourceForge use it I can well believe it is secure and scalable.  I
> don't expect you'll have any problems.

I usually use proftpd, which has nice features like easy chrooting and
so on.  However I'm steering away from FTP as much as possible towards
SCP/SFTP, since its a lot more secure.  The HUGE bugbear with that
though is that its hard to chroot users, but since we don't have
unknown / untrusted users logging in, ie: only the IT wallahs here, I'm
not _too_ worried.

> As an aside I sometimes find it useful to look through the list of
> rpms I've got installed or are available for me to install.  It might
> give you a clue as to what package you might need for a given task:
> yum list installed
> yum list available
> yum is a great piece of software - I actually prefer it to apt (what
> heresy!)

How dare you!!  Get him, boys!!!  UNBELIEVER!!!!!!!!!

Only had a brief flirtation with Fedora round about Core2 so never
used yum. Actually started out on RH6.2 which was a great distribution,
but round about RH7.2/8 I found the true path and achieved
enlightenment through Debian!!  Each to their own I say.


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