[Sussex] Upgrading from RHEL to Fedora

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Sun Aug 28 12:20:45 UTC 2005


On 12:17:15 am 28/08/2005 Paul Tansom <paul at aptanet.com> wrote:
> I have few installs of RHEL 3 Workstation that I am considering moving
> to Fedora Core. These are workstations (as you would assume!) and

Ubuntu! ;)

> system will mean that I can simply change the release RPM and upgrade

up2date can do this, but as I understand it, it's not very supported and
isn't guaranteed to work. For the price of a backup beforehand it's got to
be worth trying though :)

The option in question is --upgrade-to-release, or you could install one of
the many apt packages for RedHat systems and dist-upgrade :)

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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