[Sussex] Free Opera registrations

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Wed Aug 31 13:36:35 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:
> Personally, I'll give it a go, just to see what difference it makes, but 
> I'm not fussed if it's got the ad's or not.

*splutter* *cough* Ads or not, it's still proprietary, closed source, 
non-free, anti-libre.

> Also thanks to the "Very Reverend" Teale (Church of FSF), valuable 
> advice/suggestion(s), as ever :-P


That's Knight of the Lambda Calculus and minister of Church of Emacs to 
you sonny.

G.J. Teale
Development Team Leader

Cmed Group Ltd.
Holmwood, Broadlands Business Campus,
Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, RH12 4QP, United Kingdom

T +44(0)1403 755 071
F +44(0)1403 755 051
E gteale at cmedresearch.com  W www.cmedresearch.com

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