[Sussex] OFF-TOPIC a quick rant

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Fri Dec 2 17:58:12 UTC 2005

** Nik Butler <nik at butlershouse.co.uk> [2005-11-30 18:42]:
> >As ever, good PR, no practical benefit whatsoever - or am I being too
> >cynical here? ;)
> >
> you could always use this ....
> http://www.windizupdate.com/

Interesting, I'd not seen that site before, I'll have to investigate
further. My first visit started me thinking it wasn't such a good site
because it prompted that I was missing a plugin, but didn't tell me what
it was. When I tried to Install Missing Plugins... it failed to suggest

...then the penny dropped - I was running Linux! When I power up my
Windows box again I'll have a proper look - doh!

> And when windows springs to mind ... how cynical can you be really ?

I'm inclined to suspect it is near impossible to be too cynical, but
sometimes I wonder whether I should be giving it a slightly less harsh
time. I've never really given it a chance in some ways.

My first look at Windows prompted me to buy an Amiga (I think I'm
getting my timing right there, must have been Windows 3.0 in around
1990/1), it was too much of a toy. OS/2 made the x86 hardware an option
so I ended up with Windows as well (I was working for IBM after all, and
familiarity with their hardware and the popular DOS/Windows made sense
career wise, OS/2 was the primary OS for actually doing stuff on it
though). Linux was the follow on to OS/2 really, although I had been
following it since I had a PC (around 1992 iirc, on the internal IBM
forums - notably for the IBM L40 laptop), just never had the chance to
install it for another 4 years :( Frighteningly it was a combination of
PC World, Caldera and a spare PC that got me started. PC World had an
easy to get hold of copy on their shelves and Caldera looked a good
option since it was related to Lasermoon / FTLinux that was working
towards Posix certification, etc. (and I was looking at doing work with
AIX at the time and thinking back on it I really should have taken a
trip to Fareham to see Lasermoon and get a copy sooner).

All that said I have supported Windows clients since around 1990 (ish)
and worked with NT (including administering and designing
networks/domains) since 1994, so perhaps I'm being justifiably harsh ;)

** end quote [Nik Butler]

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com

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