[Sussex] Slugs XMAS Dinnerr

Nik Butler nik at butlershouse.co.uk
Wed Dec 14 18:28:13 UTC 2005

Tonight ( 14th December sheesh ! ) 

for one Night only this year....

The pseudo Annual, SLUGs'

pre XMAS , XMas Dinner

at the

Blue India



Call Nik ( 07713 241 956 ) for Details.

Space limited, one seat per person, special offer only avialable to on 
request , no refund accepted, your drinks can come up as well as down. 
all calls monitored for training purposes. this event is monitored by no 
one in particular and is part of the who cares we did it any way 
investment and personal planning scheme. all right reversed. Any 
semblance to any person living or dead is purely fictional and probably 
scary and anyway we all know the girl was  the descsendant of jesus 
cause dan brown tells us so. no part of this transmission may be a gear 
box. no responsibility implied or denied can be accepted by the poster 
of this footnote.

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