[Sussex] Noob

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Tue Feb 1 09:57:19 UTC 2005


On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 09:17:12AM +0000, Geoffrey Teale wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 09:04 +0000, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > A good recomendation, but in a free (as in speech) society the members
> > are allowed to "deviate from the norm" - there you are, Gavin, you're
> > now a deviate :-)
> A deviant surely?

Seplling was never my best subject at school. :-)
Despite that I mostly get my meaning across.
(looks like I forgot to spell check by last post).
> I absolutely agree with the point about freedom - I understand why any
> informed user would want to make that decision.  I was just putting
> forth the idea that less informed users would do better to stick with
> the GNOME desktop if they want to get the best out of the Ubuntu
> project.  

As it happens I use Gnome, but that it because I think the eye candy
is better than KDE - personal preference nothing more.  As I don't program
to either there is not technical input to the preference.  If I want to
write a GUI app I use Java.

When E17 hit the streets I'll give that a go, because I'm a fan of 
Enlightenment - but E16 is getting a bit dated now.
> > If, as earlier posted, Longhorn is going to be a DRM infested nightmare,
> > how much longer will it be until the software starts blocking access
> > to some content because you have already selected another?  Sort of 
> > like how radio stations mainly play the songs released by the artists
> > under contract to the studios that own the radio stations? [Geoff,
> > this was not meant to be a red flag to your bull. Ed]
> Not long at all I imagine.  Sony may well stop their content being
> served up to Microsoft proprietary software if I read the market right -
> prepare for fragmentation or cartels, these are the only two routes in
> front of the music and movie industry as it crashes head long into the
> world of IT.  

I can't see Sony stopping downloads to Microsoft proprietary software
while Microsoft has such a large market share.  That would be bad for
revenue.  Even if they offer an alternate app to view/listen/whatever
are they going to take the chance that customers are going to install
more software (even if free) just to use Sony content?   How many web
sites have you clicked on by because they told you to "upgrade" to IE?


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