[Sussex] Online with Ubuntu

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Thu Feb 10 23:48:59 UTC 2005


Colin Tuckley wrote:

> Gavin Stevens wrote:
>> I used apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade (having added the 
>> testing URLs to apt-sources).
> You should have changed every instance of "stable" or "woody" 
> whichever you had to either "testing" or "sarge" whichever you wanted 
> to track.
> As it is you probably have both package lists at the moment which will 
> confuse things.
The URLs for stable were commented out (by me, ages ago) in apt-sources 
as I installed Woody from CDs. I changed "stable" for "testing" in every 
URL & *then* enabled them, at the same time I commented out the 7 Woody 
CDs. I tried to ensure that I didn't have both lists available.

My thinking at the moment is that something must have gone wrong with 
the connection to cause corrupted files, other than that, I can't offer 
any ideas.


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