[Sussex] Does anyone know when/if the next issue of Linux Formatis due out?

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 18:48:02 UTC 2005

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:11:09 +0000, Steve Dobson <steve at dobson.org> wrote:

> If you're into eye candy there is little difference between the two these
> days.  That wasn't the case a while back.  You get very little with
> which ever one you use.  Emacs is not trying to be pretty, it is trying
> to be flexible and useful, which it is.
> I was a long term XEmacs user (because it was better suited to running on
> an X display, IMHO) but about six months ago the Debian package broke.
> The editors are very important to me, so I loaded Emacs to see if that
> worked.  It did, slight change, but not a huge learning curve for me,
> so I switched.  I am now an GNUEmacs user not an XEmacs user.


On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:34:48 +0000, Thomas Adam  
<thomas at edulinux.homeunix.org> wrote:

> I used to use [X]emacs.  I hate both, but that's not for discussion
> here.  Out of the two, I'd recommend XEmacs, purely because it is better
> running on X11, although do not be fooled, the "X" is not an indication
> that it is an X11 only app.  It runs at the console equally as well.  It
> also uses the Athena widget set by default, but if you're backwards like
> me, you can get it to use Motif.  There is also experimental support for
> GTK, if you feel inclined to compile it yourself.  You'll find the
> EmacsWiki[1] of valuable importance.
> Emacs IMO looks dreadful in terms of a GUI, but it has advantages over
> XEmacs in that it is not as bloated.  I happen to prefer the sheer
> number of options that XEmacs offers over Emacs.  This was some time ago
> now, mind.

So with both replies in mind, it looks like I'd be better off with XEmacs.  
The article did mention about the XEmacs version having a few
"icon choices" at the top.

Thomas' bloat comment, well that's not so important as I don't do anything  
that would really cause any problem - I don't really know much about those  
or problems/inconveniences.

Ha, actually I suspect that most of you on the list would be aghast at the  
amount of irrelevant rubbish I have in the system ! But that's mainly due  
to the bad habit of
being a card carrying member of the "good ideas club" :D

Thanks for the suggestions/replies


John D.

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