[Sussex] MS "alledged" threats to Denmark

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 23:43:15 UTC 2005

Having now read as many of the articles that I can about these alledged 
threats to the Danish software industry, in connection with software 
patents (excluding the ones written in Danish of course), I find it 
difficult to believe that "he" would have been foolish enough to make 
such threats.

Equally, I know some "journo's" like to use a bit of poetic licence 
(copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, etc etc :-) ) but I 
can't see them mis-quoting him in such a way.

Otherwise the news of libel writs would surely have hit the streets by 
now. Gates is, afterall, an intellegent man, who, I'd suggest, wouldn't 
let such an "own goal" get the better of the M$ legal dept??

Altruism? Hum? possibly I suppose.


John D.

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