[Sussex] Bloody Gnome problems

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Fri Feb 18 18:23:24 UTC 2005


On Fri, February 18, 2005 10:23, Geoffrey Teale said:
> It sounds like something or someone had apt-get removed gnome-panel, or
> stomped on it.  Dodgy - we have many Ubuntu boxen and I've never seen
> that, I'm afraid I'm inclined to lean towards P.E.B.K.A.C. :-)

I've seen lots of Ubuntu users upgrade to hoary without really
understanding what it is and then using Synaptic with the "smart upgrade"
(ie dist-upgrade) option checked to always be the default.
There was one particularly amusing point in hoary development where this
actually removed apt because of a broken dependency, that confused the
shit out of a load of people because synaptic disappeared too as a result

Just a theory :)

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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