[Sussex] The gadget show?

John D. john at johnsemail.eclipse.co.uk
Sat Feb 26 18:10:21 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:

>On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 05:19:21PM +0000, John D. wrote:
>>Steve Dobson wrote:
>>>Symbian is not an open source (to the best of my knowledge).  It is the
>>>new name for the PsionOS.  
>>That's pretty much what I thought Steve, not having read/heard anything 
>>about "them" releasing it GPL.
>>Perhaps the bloke who presented the report was alluding to the necessity 
>>of using open source app's to break down the current "walled garden" of 
>>proprietary app's offered with mobile devices at the moment.
>If your phone runs Java then there are a number of J2ME games and apps
>available that will run.  I have a number on my phone.
>>I for one, would be happy to bin the PocketPC from my smartphone if I 
>>could - It may be "do-able", but not by me - rather over my head!
>When I went looking for a phone a few weeks back when the salesman asked
>what my requirements where I told him "I won't buy a phone that runs
>PocketPC or made by Nokia or Sony Erricson".  He was shocked, when I asked
>way I told him I didn't trust PocketPC to come with spyware and Nokia
>and SE were campaigning for Software Patents.  As SPs would damage my
>business, I wasn't going to give them mine!
Hum, perhaps I might have reconsidered buying it if I'd known more about 
it then. :-(

Without re-reading the "bumpf" I don't know, but presume that it does, 
though I'm not sure whether I could get any of them to "play", because 
the phone doesn't have a keyboard as such (a software based one), it's 
stylus input (mainly). I'd have to try and see (plus look to see if 
there's anything about getting linux onto it!).


John D.

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