[Sussex] The gadget show?

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sat Feb 26 17:33:34 UTC 2005


On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 05:19:21PM +0000, John D. wrote:
> Steve Dobson wrote:
> >Symbian is not an open source (to the best of my knowledge).  It is the
> >new name for the PsionOS.  
> That's pretty much what I thought Steve, not having read/heard anything 
> about "them" releasing it GPL.
> Perhaps the bloke who presented the report was alluding to the necessity 
> of using open source app's to break down the current "walled garden" of 
> proprietary app's offered with mobile devices at the moment.

If your phone runs Java then there are a number of J2ME games and apps
available that will run.  I have a number on my phone.
> I for one, would be happy to bin the PocketPC from my smartphone if I 
> could - It may be "do-able", but not by me - rather over my head!

When I went looking for a phone a few weeks back when the salesman asked
what my requirements where I told him "I won't buy a phone that runs
PocketPC or made by Nokia or Sony Erricson".  He was shocked, when I asked
way I told him I didn't trust PocketPC to come with spyware and Nokia
and SE were campaigning for Software Patents.  As SPs would damage my
business, I wasn't going to give them mine!


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