[Sussex] logout/end session vs reboot system!

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 6 23:16:55 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:
> When I'm using the graphic login as root, I can tell the system to log
> out, and I get a nice dialogue box that asks if I want to end the
> session, log out and switch off or restart the system.
> If I to the same when logged in as user, I don't get ,any such dialogue,
> the system just reboots.
> How can I change things so that I get the options dialogue? as it's
> really really annoying to have to restart the system?
> regards
> John D.


I'm not logged in at any Linux boxes at the mo, so I'm going from memory 

I assume you're using KDM as graphical login, otherwise this may not be 

Have a look under KDE>settings>system administration>login manager

There should be a setting on the last page of the ensuing dialog box 
that controls who can log out and how (if memory serves me correctly).

This your new Gentoo installation?

Steve Williams.

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