[Sussex] logout/end session vs reboot system!

John D. big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Jan 6 23:47:41 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 23:31 +0000, Steve Williams wrote:

> I'm currently emerging apache php bind kde kdesdk evolution 
> mozilla-firefox-bin mozilla-thunderbird-bin openoffice-bin koffice 
> lilypond rosegarden - I guess I'll come back next week and see how it's 
> cooking!

The first thought was "aha! the luxury of the GRP packages", but hang
on, aren't the -bin packages binaries anyway?

And I thought that you could get the rest of that lot from the portage
tree as binaries as well?

I understand that the only way to make things any quicker is to have a
system with a couple of hundred cpu's in it, a couple of terrabytes of
ram and god alone knows how much hard drive space (possibly a light
speed FSB???)?

Never mind Steve, the joy you'll get from the system when it's up and
running eh? :-P


John D.

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