[Sussex] logout/end session vs reboot system!

Steve Williams sdp.williams at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 6 23:31:58 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:
> When I'm using the graphic login as root, I can tell the system to log
> out, and I get a nice dialogue box that asks if I want to end the
> session, log out and switch off or restart the system.
> If I to the same when logged in as user, I don't get any such dialogue,
> the system just reboots.
> How can I change things so that I get the options dialogue? as it's
> really really annoying to have to restart the system?
> regards
> John D.

My Athlon XP 2600+ is currently compiling Gentoo to reside alongside the 
  existing Windows XP install.

Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe/nForce2/Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet
GeForce FX 5700
SIL 3112a SATA RAID with 2x160Gb Maxtor HDD

So far I've had great fun with re-compiling everything with gcc-3.4.3 
instead of 3.3.4 - much gnashing of teeth first time round.

I'm currently emerging apache php bind kde kdesdk evolution 
mozilla-firefox-bin mozilla-thunderbird-bin openoffice-bin koffice 
lilypond rosegarden - I guess I'll come back next week and see how it's 

Steve W.

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