[Sussex] sudo

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sun Jan 23 01:12:14 UTC 2005

Hi Folks,

Seeing this discussion about sudo on the apt-get thread made me think....

I have just recieved some shiny new workstations at work, and am 
installing ubuntu on them.  My query regards sudo, and what it 
can/cannot do.

I run a samba/nfs server for my windoze/linux users, which works fine. 
However, my linux users don't have root access to their boxes, as this 
would allow them to su up, and back down to another user, giving them 
access to areas of the filesystem where I don't wish them to go.

So, my question is whether sudo will still allow this sort of behaviour 
- I don't want to lock them out of their boxes, just out of the fileserver.



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