[Sussex] Moot

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Jan 28 09:40:17 UTC 2005


Thanks to everyone who turned up.  Best meeting in ages.

On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 11:11:47PM +0000, Andrew Guard wrote:
> Well all I have got to say is Wow!
> For first time in age's we have hit double numbers in attendance.
> Anyway that's all I have got to say and if we can do it next month that 
> would be a good thing.
> So what is your view on the proceedings?

We talked about keeping the meetings at the Holbrook Club.  This was
agreed, but the cost to the club is that we have to provide a WiFi 
base station to HC, and in return we get the room rent free (normal
price £50/h).

I was elected as the SLUGMoot Chair (with Nik to support).  We are not
going to be very formal, with me, Nik and a secretary sitting on a dais.
The idea of putting in place a formal committee was suggested and 
rejected (to complex and bothersome).  No suggestion that we have a
secretary was made, so these aren't the minutes of the moot, these are
my thoughts and recollections, which may differ from others that attended.
They are more than welcome to correct or add to these notes.

Newcomers to the list maybe wondering why I use use the term "moot".
It is an old term for a meeting of equals which we sort of adopted a
while back and sums up how the meetings were organised, and how I
intend them to remain.  So I will be calling them "moots" as it suggests
to me less formality.  If you want to use the term "meetings" that okay

The general format of the moots will be as follows:

    Gather at the Holbrook for around 19:30
      The gatherings are always held on the last Thursday of each
      month (except December when it can clash with one of those
      religious things).

    Presentation/talk/... will start at 20:00
      We started (about six months ago) with the idea of three 20min
      takes each moot.  I am abandoning this because a) speakers a
      difficult to find now, and b) we never managed to keep a talk
      to 20 mins.

      So the speaker now has as long as they want (or until 23:00
      when the club closes).  I would suggest the presentation is 
      around 30 to 45 mins, but that is NOT a rule.  A speakers
      may select to have questions during the talk or held to the
      end, speakers choice.  In other works, speaker rules.

    Any other business

    General talk amongst ourselves

I will be putting out a general call for speaks and ideas for talks later
but wait for it if you have an idea, post!  That is enough from me for
now, I'll let you get back to your normal lives.


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