[Sussex] Wireless AP

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Fri Jan 28 14:24:18 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:
> All
> I think we now have a solution.
>    LinkSys WiFi AP (Richie)
>    PII 266MHz (Colin)
>    Cables (Nik)
> I assume that this will be install as follows:
>                  +--------+   +----------+
>     Link to      | ADSL   |   |          |
>     ISP Zen & ---+ Router +---+ Firewall |
>     Internet     | Modem  |   |          |
>                  +---+----+   +----+-----+
>                      |             |
>                    Rest of    +----+-----+
>                  Holbrook's   | LinkSys  |
>                   network     +----------+
> Jon: You should know Holbrook's current network config
> is this how you see the installation being done?  Or
> are we going to firewall Holbrook's network as well.
> So which ports should we open on the Firewall?
>    22	(SSH)
>    80   (HTTP)
>    109  (POP2)
>    110  (POP3)
>    143  (IMAP2)
>    220  (IMAP3)
>    443  (HTTPS)
>    993  (IMAPS - IMAP over SSL)
>    995  (POP3S - POP3 over SSL)
>    8080 (Webcache, but I've used sites that use this
>          to serve pages too)
> Colin: Could you get your PII ready?  Minimal Debian install
> with a 2.6 kernel, vi, iptables, sshd, dns and dhcp.  I can't 
> think of anything else it might need.
> Colin/Richie: I will be popping over to Brighton on Tuesday for
> a meeting (business).  Any chance of picking up the hardware then?
> The meeting starts at 11:00 so the morning would be best for me.
> Jon: As you are the Holbrook's current IP guy then I guess it
> should be you and I that do the install.  
> Steve
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Should also open it up for VPN's traffic.

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