[Sussex] Call for Speakers

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Fri Jan 28 22:56:51 UTC 2005


As MootMaster I hereby make a call for papers.  Several suggestions
were made during the January Moot some of which I might have forgotten.

The current calendar is shaping up nicely:
	Feb: MythTV - A Personal Video Record - Karl J
	Mar: Linux Hacking & Install Fest
	Apr: Setting up Asterisk - Voice Application Middle-ware - Mark M

Below is a list of other talks that I can remember, if I've missed on or
you would like to present something (like Mark just has) then please
e-mail me (on or off list) and I'll add you into the calendar, first 
come first served (unless you want a particular date).

The others I can remember are:
  OpenVNC - Secure networking in an insecure world.
  Email Pouting: How to configure your own mail server. - Steve D
  Community Mesh Networking - Richie J

The idea of publishing a calendar is to attract people to the moots.
However, it is very demoralising if the mail-list covers the topic before
the talk is held.  So I'm asking you to please refrain from discussing 
next moots topic on the list.  It wouldn't be fair to block talk on 
subject that are over a month away, but a one month ban on MythTV and
PVRs I don't think is unreasonable.

By all means e-mail requesting that a particular issue is covered, that
encourages the speaker and may help them plan the presentation better.
But please don't ask for technical help just before a talk.


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