[Sussex] Call for Speakers

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sat Jan 29 10:29:01 UTC 2005

Steve Dobson wrote:
> All
> As MootMaster I hereby make a call for papers.  Several suggestions
> were made during the January Moot some of which I might have forgotten.
> The current calendar is shaping up nicely:
> 	Feb: MythTV - A Personal Video Record - Karl J
> 	Mar: Linux Hacking & Install Fest
> 	Apr: Setting up Asterisk - Voice Application Middle-ware - Mark M
> Below is a list of other talks that I can remember, if I've missed on or
> you would like to present something (like Mark just has) then please
> e-mail me (on or off list) and I'll add you into the calendar, first 
> come first served (unless you want a particular date).
> The others I can remember are:
>   OpenVNC - Secure networking in an insecure world.
>   Email Pouting: How to configure your own mail server. - Steve D
>   Community Mesh Networking - Richie J
> The idea of publishing a calendar is to attract people to the moots.
> However, it is very demoralising if the mail-list covers the topic before
> the talk is held.  So I'm asking you to please refrain from discussing 
> next moots topic on the list.  It wouldn't be fair to block talk on 
> subject that are over a month away, but a one month ban on MythTV and
> PVRs I don't think is unreasonable.
> By all means e-mail requesting that a particular issue is covered, that
> encourages the speaker and may help them plan the presentation better.
> But please don't ask for technical help just before a talk.
> Steve
Steve, am happy to do the OpenVPN one as well.  Can you put a date down 
for that one (and make it before the Mesh talk!)

Also, I have permission from work to bring the projector for the Myth 
talk, and will bring a spare frontend.



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