[Sussex] How do I .........

Richie Jarvis richie at helkit.com
Sat Jul 2 17:47:24 UTC 2005

John D. wrote:

> Find out exactly what package a library comes from?
> I like to play backgammon. GNUBG is rather good. Their site even has a 
> SuSEised rpm, but it was produced with SEL (SuSE Enterprise Linux). So 
> if I install "it" via the YAST tool, I'm getting hit with a dependency 
> problem (which I thought that YAST was supposed to sort out). The 
> library is libgtkglext.so.??? (there was 1 or 2 other bits that 
> followed the .so bit that I can't recall).

On their website, they include RPM's which appear to be that package - I 
would suggest you download the gtkglext rpm file from their website:

And in the release notes below:

1. gtkglext-1.0.4-1.i586.rpm (necessary for 3d support)
2. ftgl-2.0.11-1.i586.rpm (necessary for 3d support)
3. gnubg-0.14-5.i586.rpm (gnubg binary 3d support included)
4. gnubg-no-3d-0.14-5.i586.rpm (gnubg binary without 3d support)
5. gnubg-databases-0.14-5.i586.rpm (the databases)
6. gnubg-sounds-0.14-5.i586.rpm (sound files)
7. gnubg-0.14-5.src.rpm (the source rpm package)

There are even instructions on how to build from the source RPM yourself, so that you can package your own copy.

> I've tried searching at rpmfinder (or was it called rpmseek?? don't 
> remember), but this doesn't highlight which package the lib comes 
> from. If I can find that, I should be able to install it (erm, I 
> think!). I seem to have gtk, versions 1 and 2 installed, but not the 
> whole of gnome (my last install efforts seem to have worked out OK, 
> but I didn't see any point in installing gnome as I just can't get on 
> with it).

Yep - thats what I do if I want to find a library.  Actually, I do a 
wider search than that, and just type the library into google - if it is 
anyway, google finds it across the board, which is nice :)

Hope that helps!


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