[Sussex] RE: Linux and the Average User

Geoffrey Teale gteale at cmedresearch.com
Tue Jul 12 13:58:23 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 14:25, Dave Chapman wrote:

> My boys computer has Win2K and Linux onit.
> Some time ago I removed Win2k from the Grub menu so they had no choice but
> to use Linux which they have become quite used to.
> Now that I have put Win2K back they keep using that even tho they have to
> select it.
> When asked why the answer is "Duno"
> Teenagers eh

I suggest modifying the Win2K grub item to load a program that simple shows 
the message:

   " Thank you for using proprietary software, you're pocket money has been 
docked five pounds in payment for this service."

.. that should deprogram them, you've got to break the condition response you 

Geoffrey Teale
Cmed Research  //  Free Software Foundation

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