[Sussex] (no subject)

Steve Dobson steve at dobson.org
Sun Jun 5 19:29:52 UTC 2005


On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 02:06:19PM +0100, Mr. Tommasar wrote:
> The hard drive on my PC has stopped booting up in Windows XP Home. I have 
> tried everything to start it. There are a great number of files on this 
> hard drive that I do not wish to lose, but currently cannot access via XP; 
> and therefore I do not wish to reinstall Windows XP on this hard drive and 
> run the risk of losing them. I have bought the Knoppix CD at a recent 
> computer fair, and (brilliant) this has allowed me to read all these files. 

Great, your more than half way there.

> But UNFORTUNATELY it will not let me copy or move them onto a recently 
> installed additional hard drive also running XP (i.e. read-only). A 
> colleague has informed me that this is because I was running Knoppix from 
> the CD and that I need to install it on a hard drive in order to be able to 
> copy or move files. I have installed yet another hard drive with the sole 
> purpose of using it as a Linex drive, but when I tried to installed Knoppix 
> onto this hard drive using the instructions provided by SLUG, I get the 
> message ?Open disk, read-only, you have no permission to write?.

Your colleague is WRONG.  There is no need to install Knoppix on the
one of your hard drives to use it as a rescue CD.  First look at this
WiKi on using Knoppix to rescue your files.


The way I would recover your data is to create a FAT32 partition on
one of your disk.  This can then be mounted Read/Write (see the WiKi)
and then you can just copy them from the damaged partition to the
FAT32 partition.

Hope this helps

	"It's sort of a threat, you see.  I've never been very good at
	them myself, but I'm told they can be very effective."
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