[Sussex] (no subject) - IS Knoppix help

nik nik at reducedhackers.com
Sun Jun 5 16:47:57 UTC 2005

Well thanks for the response and just to dive straight in lets get to 
the details.  Ive copied this to the list and your hotmail address.

1. You can read/write to hard drives when running Knoppix from the 
cdrom. Its just that KNOPPIX by default sets hard disks to be read only 
and you have to "choose" to write to the disk ( see later )

2. to recap how Linux looks at hardrives compared to Windows.
    Physically    -> WIndows XP - Linux.

    IDE 0
          Disk 1 ( Primary Master )   Probably Drive C            -> 
          Disk 2 ( Secondary Slave )  Probably Drive D           -> /dev/hdb
    IDE 1
           Disk 1 ( Primary Master ) Probably Drive D or E or other      
-> /dev/hdc
          Disk 2 ( Secondary Slave ) Probably Drive E or F or other    
     -> /dev/hdd

 From here Partitions on the disks ( under linux )  are

    Primary Partions are Number 1 to 4  , usually 4
    extended are usually 5 and above ... ( usually but lets not get into 
this )

3. So lets assume that you have a single XP big drive C configuration on 
the primary ide0 position then its going to be called /dev/hda1 it will 
mount with either VFAT ( if its fat16 or 32 formatted ) or you will 
require configuring of Captive NTFS to read/write your data and ive 
never had to do this .. so um .. any one else ?

If you just wish to copy data then I would install the second drive onto 
the master of the second ide channel ( /dev/hdc ) . You have not 
mentioned how the second drive is formatted though so i hope its fat32 . 
It should probably appear as /dev/hdc1.

4. Under knoppix when booted from the CD you will see a ICON on the 
Desktop representing your Hard Drive . When you double click it MOUNTS 
it . So you can Right click on that ICON and select UNMOUNT. Looking at 
the properties of this Icon you will see under the DEVICE tab a option ( 
most likely checked ) that says READ ONLY . Unchecking this prior to 
mounting the device allows you to read/write to the hard disk even when 
running from the CD rom .

So from here its time to be like .... REALLLY careful ... since you can 
read and write to your hard drives.

5. I assume you will want to have the busted troublesome disk mounted 
readonly and the new and life saving disk mounted without the read only tab.

6. has any of this helped ?

As for installing to the hard disk it sound to me like you had mounted 
the disk before, trying to install to it . When installing under knoppix 
you dont need the disk mounted for the installation to see it.

I hope our instructions are really very clear that the knoppix disk will 
utterly wipe the disk of any data so our best instructions are to REMOVE 
any disk which you wish to "save" before installing knoppix to a target 
disk. This is not actually neccessary  and in general us Slug users dont 
bother with it .

For new linux users though we would really like to ensure that we make 
it clear that they could do more harm than good if they are not 
carefull. Though this statement is true for any hobby and we are keen to 
make everyones experience in linux a pleasurable one . Im sure that the 
time spent learning here is a investment in training and experience that 
will lead you to take a more active interest in the open source community .

Further id like to say thanks for letting us know how its going and keep 
writting here for help .


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